This is a trip at high speed, jumping distances by factor of 10. Start with 1 meter, and increasing sizes by factor of 10s ,or 10 meters, 10x10 = 100 meters, 10x10x10 = 1.000 meters, 10x10x10x10 = 10.000 meters, so on, until the limit of our inmagination in direction to the macrocosmos.
一公尺,這是可看到花園內許多葉片的距離。 The power of 0 of 10 = 1 meter. Distance to a bunch of leaves, in the garden. |
往上開始旅行....到達十公尺處,我們可以看到樹叢。 The power of 1 of 10 = 10 meters Start our trip upwards .... We could see the foliage. |
在100公尺處,我們看到了叢林的邊界及建築物。 The power of 2 of 10 = 100 meters At this distance we can see the limits of the forest and the edifications |
我們到了一公里外,也許從這裡就可以跳傘了。 The power of 3 of 10 = 1 km We will pass from meters to kilometers..Now it is possible to jump with a parachute ... |
在十公里的高度外,可以看到城市的模樣但幾乎不到房子了。 The power of 4 of 10 = 10 km The city could be observed but we really can not see the houses |
到了一百公里外就可看清楚美國的佛羅里達州了。 The power of 5 of 10 = 100 km At this height, the state of Flórida - USA, can be seen.. |
一千公里外的景窗與人造衛星的差不多。 The power of 6 of 10 = 1.000 km Typical sight from a satellite |
一萬公里處外的北半球及部分的南美州。 The power of 7 of 10 = 10.000 km The north hemisphere of Earth, and part of South America |
十萬公里外,地球看起來非常小。 The power of 8 of 10 = 100.000 km The Earth starts looking small... |
一百萬公里外的地球與月亮的軌道(白色標示之)。 The power of 9 of 10 = 1 millón de km The Earth and the Moon’s órbit in white.... |
一千萬公里外的部份地球軌道(藍色標示之)。 The power of 10 of 10 = 10 Millons de km Part of the Earth’s Orbit in blue |
真有意思 ! ^^ |
一億公里外的金星與地球軌道。 The power of 11 of 10 = 100 millons de km Órbits of: Venus and Earth... |
十億公里外的水星,金星,地球與木星的軌道。 The power of 12 of 10 = 1 billón de km Órbits of: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Júpiter. |
到了百億公里處,我們可看到太陽系與它的行星之軌道。 The power of 13 of 10 = 10 billons de km At this height of our trip, we could observe the Solar System and the orbits of the planets |
到了千億公里處,太陽系看來變小了。 The power of 14 of 10 = 100 Billons de km The Solar System starts looking small... |
一兆公里外,太陽不過是千萬顆星星中的其中之一。 The power of 15 of 10 = 1 trillón de km The Sun now is a small star in the middle of thousands of stars... |
在一光年(十兆公里)外,太陽系變成非常渺小。 The power of 16 of 10 = 1 light-year At one light-year the little Sun star is very small |
在十光年處,我們在無止境中沒一樣可看清楚。 The power of 17 of 10 = 10 light-year Here we will see nothing in the infinity.... |
一百光年外,除了星星與星雲外什麼也沒有。 The power of 18 of 10 = 100 light-years “Nothing” ,Only stars and Nebulae... |
到了一千光年距離外,開始旅行我們所居住的銀河系。 The power of 19 of 10 = 1,000 light-years At this distance we started travelling the Via-Láctea (Milky Way), our galaxy. |
到一萬光年的距離,我們仍然還在我們的銀河裡旅遊。 The power of 20 of 10 = 10,000 light-years We continued our travel inside the Via-Láctea. |
到了十萬光年外,可看我們的銀河的邊緣。 The power of 21 of 10 = 100,000 light-years We started reaching the periphery of the Via-Láctea |
在遙不可及的百萬光年外,除了可看到我們的銀河外還可以看到其它銀河。 The power of 22 of 10 = 1 millión light-years At this tremendous distance we could see all the Via-Láctea & other galáxies too... |
The power of 23 of 10 = 10 million light-years
From this distance, all the galaxies look small with inmense empty spaces in between. The same laws are ruling in all bodies of the Universe. We could continue traveling upwards with our imagination, but now we will return home quickly