2012年1月24日 星期二


這可能似乎不是世界頂級的退休避風港,但在國際生活“的編輯說,厄瓜多爾共和國是世界上最好的地方退休的。生活成本低,房地產很便宜。據丹Prescher,國際生活的特殊項目編輯器,並 - 記錄 - 居住在厄瓜多爾,國家給予了他生存的機會,對居住在美國的成本,在不犧牲任何人的生命質量的一小部分。 “一對夫婦在這裡觀看他們的消費可以住在每月800元,”國際生存。 “即使你推船了,你會發現它很難花超過 1,500元。”但是,這並不是所有的國際生活審查其2012年全球退休指數。編輯看了看八個因素,評估一切從“麵包的價格是多麼容易結交朋友,或留與家人保持聯繫”,然後才說,厄瓜多爾最重要的美國人可能會考慮海外的退休點。而不用擔心整合。國際生活的編輯說,你可以通過講英語厄瓜多爾部分地區。另外,還有一些外籍人士已建立的社區。退休福利,包括關閉交通,公用事業賬單,文化和體育賽事的門票的50%,是慷慨的。和醫療保健以及價格低廉:所有的外國人都能夠參與,在厄瓜多爾社會保障保費為每月57元的醫療方案。
2。巴拿馬。巴拿馬城巴拿馬最好的退休福利,根據國際生活的研究。中美洲國家最南部的國家舉辦了所謂的折扣和津貼方案“pensionado。”該計劃是對外國人開放的,有沒有最低年齡要求。您可以在巴拿馬所使用的任何專業服務的20%,50%的電影,劇院和體育賽事,對公共交通的30%的折扣,25%的食品價格下來餐廳坐吃; 15%快速關閉店,15%在醫院和私人診所關閉,25%的國內航班上COPA,這樣的例子不勝枚舉,說國際生活。巴拿馬城也是其中最令人興奮的退休避風港。此外,與此清單上的大多數國家一樣,生活費用是便宜在巴拿馬:您需要每月僅 $ 1,500元至2,000元,基金的生活費,在一個近乎完美的的氣候。 180,000美元,你可以買到一個海濱公寓,或找到一個 450美元的租金。為了準備其排名國際生活審查房地產,特別退休福利,生活成本,易於整合,娛樂和設施,醫療保健,退休的基礎設施和氣候等因素,作為其研究的一部分。此外,國際生活編輯的依靠輸入的外籍人士在發展其列表的前19位退休的避風港。 Prescher“,說:”這是一個主觀的措施。
3。墨西哥。墨西哥還提供國際生活作為最具價值的房地產描述。你可以找到一個很好的家庭為 167000美元在像圖倫的地方,對國家的加勒比海沿岸。你可以通過講英語在全國的許多地方。它的大量容易融入墨西哥。例如,有80多個查帕拉湖,墨西哥最大的外籍人士社區的利益集團,國際生活。另一個好處:與其他許多退休的避風港,其實你可以開車到墨西哥。在墨西哥,特別是十月至四月的天氣,是很難擊敗。雖然主觀和定性,Prescher很快就注意到,國際生活的2012年全球退休指數不只是找出與生活成本最低的的國家。相反,它的所有類別的反映。閱讀的分數和如何在2012年退休指數這 website.Read國際生活的文章在2012年“世界頂級的退休避風港”在本網站。
4。馬來西亞。吉隆坡在馬來西亞,你可以住相當舒適。例如,你可以對檳島的海景公寓租金為每月1000元。此外,馬來西亞有一個獨特的退休福利,被稱為我的第二家園計劃,該計劃是開放給所有的外​​國人要退休,亞洲最具價值的目的地之一,國際生活。雖然它可能似乎不那麼,編輯說,馬來西亞也是一件容易的整合。你會發現很多當地人要練習他們的英語口語技能。你可以捕捉的功能影片 - 英語 - 4美元。有一個良好的基礎設施,離退休人員的地方。有互聯網接入,優質的道路,除其他必備手機覆蓋率,為前拍的。 Prescher了離退休人員的意見和將要退休,國外的退休人員。確保你花盡可能多的時間,在地面上,在你打算退休的國家。在一個國家的度假生活在那裡的不同。當你度假的某個地方,你從來沒有真正開立銀行帳戶或訂購電話服務。相反,他建議租用一個在你退休的避風港的地方。
5。哥倫比亞。如果你正在尋找你生活中的興奮位,可考慮在哥倫比亞的麥德林。這是,根據國際生活之中,更令人興奮的退休避風港。該城市和國家提供的退休人員和將退休人員低樓價和完美的氣候。 “李哈里森寫道:”我從來沒有見過任何像哥倫比亞麥德林,在國際生活。他說:“我想中的第二個家位置的一切,與許多拉美城市的弊端沒有。”誠然,犯罪團伙似乎威脅,但在其贊成,聯合國授予國家非永久2011-12長期在聯合國安理會的位子上。而且,一個全球性的調查剛剛評為最有希望在拉丁美洲國家哥倫比亞,居世界第七。 “哥倫比亞人他們希望更多的能力定義一個人,儘管遭受一系列的社會經濟問題,”根據 2012年的全球希望和絕望的晴雨表,全國水平的幸福和希望的全球研究。
7。尼加拉瓜。在中美洲的許多國家一樣,生活費用是什麼使尼加拉瓜一個退休人員的頂部避風港。根據國際生活,可以花費每月約 1200美元,生活相當不錯。例如,在典型的餐館定期票價的一半左右,運行“本地”飯 2元至3元。當地啤酒,這是好的,運行 75美分,至1.50美元。尼加拉瓜也是一件容易的整合。有外籍人士在格拉納達,尼加拉瓜的社會,“你會發現結交新朋友,並建立自己的社會比你想像的容易得多,說:”國際生活。尼加拉瓜也可以是一個激動人心的居住的地方以及,尤其是衝浪者。一些最好的波浪可以在尼加拉瓜和哥斯達黎加的太平洋海岸發現的,國際生活。國際生活保健,說,你會發現“一流的醫院和診所,護理是第二到無,工作人員往往是在其頂部的10避風港美國訓練。但是,在許多地方,而護理是類似美國它比回了家便宜很多。比如“,醫生在尼加拉瓜進行訪問運行約 15元。
8。西班牙。桂爾公園,巴塞羅那,西班牙西班牙是唯一的歐洲國家之間的國際生活的前10名退休的避風港上市。原因是什麼呢?該國之間更令人興奮的地方退休。美食家與文化的熱愛,西班牙和意大利提供了一個無與倫比的任何其他地方的美食菜單,即使是最小的的村莊軟泥歷史和藝術是無處不在,說:“國際生活。 “你會發現少於 20美元在這兩個國家的美味的三道菜的餐,太多。”當然,與西班牙,您還可以找到一個國家的債務掙扎。但是什麼赫克,你至少可以吃吃喝喝和歡樂,而歐洲危機的來臨。
至於與馬來西亞,也可以是相當便宜的,住在泰國。根據國際生活,你可以舒適地生活在泰國的粉沙灘上一個月不到1000美元的。事實上,很可能你會發現“真的很不錯,適合居住的地方,只是在全國任何地方”為每月500元左右。與馬來西亞,你會發現很多當地人高興與你自己的英語實踐,使一體化不應該過多的問題。而且,興奮,什麼頂部曼谷? “如果各種香料的退休生活,超過巴黎,巴拿馬市,墨西哥的外籍人士,在哥倫比亞麥德林,和曼谷,泰國,,應清單的最上方,”國際生活的研究人員說。
這是剛剛在中美洲尼加拉瓜北部,洪都拉斯,是世界第十最好的地方退休,根據國際生活。它的吸引力?它的廉價,在那裡生活和衝浪是偉大的。一個外籍人士,例如,消費只是“$ 1,400一個月到居住在羅丹島從一個白色沙子海灘碼。”此外,它的只有三個小時的來自美國的航班如果愛大海,然後羅丹是間為你的地方。它有潛水,釣魚,帆船,皮划艇,浮潛最好在中美洲的一些衝浪。 Prescher的最後位的意見。有一些文化的衝擊,當你退休國內外時的計劃。 “如果你是新的,不要期望去擁有一切是相同的,它不是,”他說。這不是美國,你必須去改變一個開放的心態和寬容,和不同的做事方式。在國外生活,並非所有人都適合,有一個不同的挑戰。“因此,對於想要的東西要回家一樣的人,Prescher了這一建議。不要退休國內外。 “對於那些想的一樣,回到家裡的人是最好的,”他說。

The World’s Top 10 Retirement Havens

The World’s Top 10 Retirement Havens

They’re cheap, yes, but these overseas spots offer more than that.

1. Ecuador

It might not seem the world’s top retirement haven, but the editors at International Living say the Republic of Ecuador is the best place in the world to retire to. The cost of living is low and real estate is cheap.
According to Dan Prescher, the special projects editor of International Living, and who — for the record — resides in Ecuador, the country affords him the chance to live on the fraction of the cost of living in the U.S. without sacrificing any quality of life. “A couple watching their spending here can live well on $800 a month,” International Living said. “And even if you push the boat out you’ll find it hard to spend more than $1,500.”
But that’s not all that International Living examined for its 2012 Global Retirement Index. The editors looked at eight factors, assessing everything from “the price of bread to how easy it is to make friends or stay in touch with family” before saying that Ecuador has what matters most to Americans who might be considering an overseas retirement spot.
And don’t worry about integration. The International Living editors say you can get by speaking English in parts of Ecuador. Plus, there are some expat communities already established. Retirement benefits, including 50% off transportation, utility bills and tickets for cultural and sporting events, are generous. And health care is inexpensive as well: All expats are able to participate in the Ecuador Social Security medical program for a premium of $57 a month.

2. Panama.

Panama City
Panama has the best retiree benefits according to International Living’s research. The southern-most country of Central American country has organized program of discounts and perks called the “pensionado.” The program is open to foreigners and there’s no minimum age requirement. You get 20% off any professional services used in Panama; 50% off for movies, theaters and sporting events; a 30% discount on public transport, 25% off the price of food eaten in a sit down restaurant; 15% off in fast food joints, 15% off in hospitals and private clinics, 25% domestic flights on COPA, and the list goes on, said International Living. Panama City is also among the most exciting retirement havens. Plus, as with most countries on this list, the cost of living is cheap in Panama: You need only $1,500 to $2,000 a month to fund your living expenses in a near-perfect climate. You can buy a beach-front condo for $180,000, or find a rental for $450.
To prepare its rankings International Living examined such factors as real estate, special retirement benefits, the cost of living, the ease of integration, entertainment and amenities, health care, retirement infrastructure and climate as part of its research. Plus, International Living editors relied on the input of expats in developing its list of the top 19 retirement havens. “It’s a subjective measure,” said Prescher.

3. Mexico.

Mexico also offers what International Living describes as best-value real estate. You can find a nice home for $167,000 in places like Tulum, on the country’s Caribbean coast. You can get by speaking English in many parts of the country. And it’s plenty easy to integrate into Mexico. For instance, there are more than 80 interest groups around Lake Chapala, home to Mexico’s biggest expat community, International Living said. Another benefit: Unlike many other retirement havens, you could actually drive to Mexico. And the weather in Mexico, especially October to April, is hard to beat. Though subjective and qualitative, Prescher was quick to note that International Living’s 2012 Global Retirement Index doesn’t just identify countries with the lowest cost of living. Rather, it’s a reflection of all the categories. Read the scores and how the 2012 Retirement Index works at this website.Read International Living’s article on the “World’s Top Retirement Havens in 2012” at this website.

4. Malaysia.

Kuala Lumpur
In Malaysia, you can live quite comfortably. For instance, you can rent a sea-view apartment on Penang Island for $1,000 a month. Plus, Malaysia has a unique retirement benefit called the My Second Home program, which is open to all foreigners who want to retire to one of Asia’s best-value destinations, International Living said. And while it might not seem so, the editors said Malaysia is also an easy place in which to integrate. You’ll find plenty of locals who want to practice their English-speaking skills. And you can catch a feature movie — in English — for $4. And there’s a good infrastructure in place for retirees. There’s Internet access, quality roads and cell phone coverage, among other must-haves for ex-pats. Prescher had this advice for retirees and would-be retirees who want to retire abroad. Make sure you spend as much time on the ground in the country to which you plan to retire. Vacationing in a country is much different from living there. When you vacation somewhere, you never really have to open a bank account or order phone service. Instead, he suggests renting a place in your retirement haven.

5. Colombia.

If you’re looking for a bit of excitement in your life, consider Medellin in Colombia. It is, according to International Living, among the more exciting retirement havens. That city and country offer retirees and would-be retirees low property prices and perfect climate. “I’ve never seen anything like Medellín, Colombia,” wrote Lee Harrison in International Living. “It has everything I want in a second home location, with none of the drawbacks that come with many Latin American cities.” True, criminal groups seem a threat, but in its favor, the United Nations did grant the country a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for 2011-12 term. And, a global poll just rated Colombia as the most hopeful country in Latin America, and seventh in the world. “Colombians are a people defined by their ability to hope for more, despite suffering from an array of socioeconomic problems,” according to the 2012 Global Barometer of Hope and Despair, a global study of countrywide levels of happiness and hope.

6. New Zealand.

Language, obviously enough, is the biggest factor in how easily you can make friends and build up a new network in your overseas home, according to International Living. That means English-speaking countries like Belize, Ireland and New Zealand do well. International Living has also said that New Zealand is among the healthiest places to live in the world. It affords expats a pollution-free environment and awesome landscapes. Plus, winters in the U.S. are summers in New Zealand so you could consider retiring there part time.

7. Nicaragua.
Like many countries in Central America, the cost of living is what makes Nicaragua a top haven for retirees. According to International Living, can spend about $1,200 a month and live quite nicely. For instance, regular fare at typical restaurants runs about half that and a “local” meal is $2 to $3. The local beers, which are good, run from 75 cents to $1.50. Nicaragua is also an easy place in which to integrate. There’s an expat community in Granada, Nicaragua, and “you’ll find making new friends and establishing yourself in the community a lot easier than you think,” said International Living.
Nicaragua can also be an exciting place to live as well, especially for surfers. Some of the best waves can be found in Nicaragua and Costa Rica’s Pacific Coasts, International Living said.
As for health care, International Living said you’ll find “first-class hospitals and clinics where care is second-to-none, and the staff are often U.S.-trained in each of its top 10 havens. But while the care is similar to the U.S. in many places, it’s a lot cheaper than back home.” For instance, a visit to the doctor in Nicaragua runs about $15.

8. Spain.

Park Guell, Barcelona, Spain
Spain is the only European country to be listed among International Living’s top 10 retirement havens. The reason? That country is among the more exciting places to which to retire. For foodies in love with culture, Spain and Italy offer a menu of delights unmatched anywhere else, even the smallest villages ooze history and art is everywhere,” said International Living. “You’ll find delicious three-course meals for less than $20 in both countries, too.” Of course, with Spain, you’ll also find a country struggling with debt. But what the heck, you can at least eat drink and be merry while the European crisis unfolds.

9. Thailand.

As with Malaysia, it can be fairly inexpensive to live in Thailand. According to International Living, you can live comfortably for less than $1,000 a month on a powder-sand beach in Thailand. In fact, it’s likely you could find “really nice, liveable place just about anywhere in the country” for about $500 a month. As with Malaysia, you’ll find plenty of locals happy to practice their English with you; so integration shouldn’t be too much of an issue. And, for excitement, what could top Bangkok? “If variety is the spice of retired life, than Paris, Panama City, the expat communities of Mexico, Medellin in Colombia, and Bangkok, Thailand, should be top of your list,” International Living researchers said.

10. Honduras.

Honduras, which is just north of Nicaragua in Central America, is the world’s 10th best place to retire, according to International Living. Its appeal? It’s cheap to live there and the surfing is great. One expat, for instance, is spending just “$1,400 a month to live yards from a white-sand beach on the island of Roatan.” Plus, it’s only three-hour flight from the U.S. If you love the sea, then Roatan is among the places for you. It’s got scuba diving, fishing, sailing, kayaking, snorkeling some of the best surfing in Central America. Prescher’s last bit of advice. Plan on there being some culture shock when you retire abroad. “If you are new to this, don’t expect to go and have everything be the same; It’s not,” he said. It’s not the U.S. You have to go with an open mind and tolerance for change, and different way of doing things. Living abroad is not for everybody, there is a different set of challenges.”
So, for people who want things to be the same as back home, Prescher had this recommendation. Don’t retire abroad. “For those people who want the same, back home is best,” he said.

2012年1月23日 星期一


主禱文,天主教又稱天主經,是耶穌傳給門徒的禱辭(馬太​​福音6:9-13),天主教、東正教和基督教禮拜儀式中通用的禱辭。古代教父特土良說過“主禱文是全部福音的撮要。”這篇禱辭是每個基督徒都十分熟悉的,因為在每一次禮拜的時候,會眾都要誦讀這篇禱辭;在個人的私禱中,這也是常常背誦的。注:《馬太福音》是官話和合本的稱法,在思高本中稱《瑪竇福音》,希臘文ΚΑΤΑ ΜΑΤΘΑΙΟΝ
在這裡,我們只在教會經常用的版本後面加”阿門“字樣,因為原文並無此字。漢語-和合本  我們在天上的父,  願人都尊你的名為聖。  願你的國降臨,  願你的旨意行在地上,  如同行在天上。  我們日用的飲食,  今日賜給我們。  免我們的債,  如同我們免了人的債。  不叫我們遇見試探,  救我們脫離兇惡。因為國度,權柄,榮耀,全是你的,  直到永遠。  阿門!漢語-思高本  我們在天的父!  願你的名被尊為聖,  願你的國來臨  願你的旨意承行於地,  如在天上一樣!  我們的日用糧,  求你今天賜給我們;  寬免我們的罪債,  猶如我們也寬免得罪我們的人;  不要讓我們陷入誘惑,  但救我們免於兇惡。  阿門!漢語-呂振中譯本  我們在天上的父  願祢的名被尊為聖;  願祢的國來臨;  願祢的旨意行在地上,  如同行在天上;  我們日用的食物,  今天賜給我們;免了我們的罪債如同我們也免了欠我們罪債的人。  領我們不進入試探;  要援救我們脫離那邪惡者。漢語-其它Ⅰ  我們的天父,  願你的名受顯揚,  願你的國來臨,  願你的旨意奉行在人間,  如同在天上。  求祢今天賞給我們日用的食糧,  求祢寬恕我們的罪過,  如同我們寬恕別人一樣。  不要讓我們陷於誘惑,  但救我們免於兇惡。漢語-其它Ⅱ  我父在天  願爾名聖  爾國臨格  爾旨得成  在地若天  所需之糧  今日賜我  我免人負  求免我負  俾勿我試  拯我出惡  以國權榮  皆爾所有  爰及世世  誠心所願拉丁語-新武加大本

Pater noster;  qui es in cælis,  sanctificetur nomen tuum;  adveniat regnum tuum.Fiat voluntas tua sicut in cælo et in terra.  Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie.  Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.  Et ne nos inducas in tentationem;  sed libera nos a malo.  Amen.拉丁語-武加大本  Pater noster;  qui es in cælis,  sanctificetur nomen tuum;  adveniat regnum tuum.Fiat voluntas tua sicut in cælo et in terra.  Panem nostrum substantialem da nobis hodie.  Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.  Et ne nos inducas in tentationem;  sed libera nos a malo.(Quoniam tibi est regnum et potestas et gloria in sæcula.)  Amen.注:1.括號中一句,在天主教中沒有;2.quotidianum一詞有版本寫作cotidianum是合法的,但不推薦;3.cælis、cælo二詞有版本寫作cœlis、cœlo是合法的,但不推薦英語-英王欽定本  Our Father which art in heaven,  Hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done in earth,  as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts,  as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation,  but deliver us from evil:  For thine is the kingdom,  and the power,  and the glory,  for ever.  Amen.英語-其它  Our Father in Heaven,  hallowed be Your name,  Your Kingdom come,Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,  give us today our daily bread,  forgive our debts,  as we also have forgiven our debtors,  and lead us not into temptation,  but deliver us from the evil one.  For the Kingdom,  the power,  and the glory are Yours,  now and forever.  Amen!法語  Notre Père qui es aux cieux  Que ton nom soit sanctifié.  Que ton règne vienne.Que ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel.Donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien.  Pardonne-nous nos offenses.Comme nous aussi nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offensés.  Ne nous induis pas en tentation.  Mais délivre-nous du malin.Car c'est à toi qu'appartiennent, dans tous les siècles, le règne, la puissance et la gloire.  Amen希伯來語  בשם אדני הםשח ישוע אמן  אבינו שבשמים יתקדש שמךתבא מלכותך יעשה רצונך בארץ כאשר נעשה בשמים  תן-לנו היום לחם חקנווסלח לנו את אשמתינו כאשר סלחים אנחנו לאשר אשמו לנוואל-תביאנו לידי מסה כי ים-הצילנו מן-הרעכי לך הממלכה והגבורה והתפארת לעולמי עולמם.אמן  אבינו שבשמים יתקדש שמך西班牙語  Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos.  Santificado sea tu nombre.  Venga tu reino.Sea hecha tu voluntad, como en el cielo, así también en la tierra.  Danos hoy nuestro pan cotidiano.  Y perdónanos nuestras deudasComo también nosotros perdonamos á nuestros deudores.  Y no nos metas en tentación.  Mas líbranos del malPorque tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y la gloria, por todos los siglos.  Amén.意大利語  Padre Nostro,  che sei nei cieli,  Sia santificato il tuo nome.  Venga il tuo regno,  Sia fatta la tua volontà,  Come in cielo,  così in terra.  Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano,  E rimetti a noi i nostri debiti,  Come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori.  E non ci indurre in tentazione,  Ma liberaci dal male.  Amen.德語  Vater unser im Himmel,  Geheiligt werde dein Name.  Dein Reich komme.  Dein Wille geschehe,  wie im Himmel so auf Erden.  Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute.  Und vergib uns unsere Schuld,  wie auch wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern.  Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,  sondern erlö  se uns von dem Bösen.Denn Dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.  Amen希臘語(拉丁轉寫)  pater hemon ho en tois uranois  hagiastheto to onoma su  eltheto he basileia su  genetheto to thelema su  hos en urano kai epi ges  ton arton hemon ton epiusion  dos hemin semeron  kai afes hemin ta ofeilemata hemonhos kai hemeis afekamen tois ofeiletais hemon  kai me eisenegkes hemas eis peirasmon  alla hrusai hemas apo tu poneruhoti su estin he basileia kai he dunamis kai he  dodza eis tus aionas  amen日語  天にいます 私たちの 父よ.  禦名があがめられますように.  禦國が 來ますように.みこころが天で行なわれるように地でも行なわれますように.私たちの日ごとの糧をきょうもお與えください.私たちの負いめをお赦しください.私たちも, 私たちに負いめのある人たちを赦しました.私たちを試みに會わせないで, 惡からお救いください.國と力と榮えは, とこしえにあなたのものだからです.  ア ― メン .亞蘭語  Abwoon d'bwashmaya,  Nethqadash shmakh,  Teytey malkuthakh.Nehwey tzevyanach aykanna d'bwashmaya aph b'arha.  Hawvlan lachma d'sunqanan yaomana.  Washboqlan khaubayn (wakhtahayn)  aykana daph khnan shbwoqan l'khayyabayn.  Wela tahlan l'nesyuna.  Ela patzan min bisha.Metol dilakhie malkutha wahayla wateshbukhta l'ahlam almin.  Amen.韓語  하늘에 계신 우리 아버지여,이름이거룩하게여김을받으시며  나라가 임하시며,뜻이하늘에서이룬것같이땅에서도이루어지이다오늘날우리에게일용할양식을주시고우리가우리에게죄지은자를사하여준것같이우리죄를사하여주​​시고우리를시험에들게하지마시고다만악에서구하옵소서.나라와권세와영광이아버지께영원히있나이다.  아멘編輯本段內容詳解  主禱文的首句教導我們什麼?答:主禱文的首句:“我們在天上的父”,教導我們存聖潔恭敬的心,坦然無懼的恭敬神,如同兒女親近父親一樣,篤信他肯聽且能幫助我們,並且教導我們要和人一同禱告,又要為人禱告。  略解:首句是引言或開頭語。由此我們知道,主禱文的首句教我們三件事:(1)因為他是在天上,所以我們要對他存恭敬的心;(2)因為他是我們的父,所以我們要坦然無懼地面對他;(3)因為他是我們的父,所以我們應該和人一同禱告,並為他們禱告。1. 賽64:9:耶和華啊,求你不要大發震怒,也不要永遠記念罪孽。求你垂顧我們,我們都是你的百姓。2. 路11:13:你們雖然不好,尚且知道拿好東西給兒女;何況天父,豈不更將聖靈給求他的人嗎?3. 羅8:15:你們所受的,不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的,乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:“阿爸​​!父!”4. 弗6:18:靠著聖靈,隨時多方禱告祈求,並要在此儆醒不倦,為眾聖徒祈求。  我們在主禱文第一條求什麼?答:主禱文第一條說:“願人都尊祢的名為聖。”我們在此求神賜力量,叫我們和眾人在他自己所顯明的一切事上能榮耀他的名,並求為他自己的榮耀處理萬事。略解:“求”意思就是要求什麼東西。主禱文裡有六項懇求:前三項是關於神,後三項則是關於我們自己。在第一懇求中,我們求兩件事:(1)神的名被人尊為聖或榮耀;(2)神的名借萬事被尊為聖或榮耀。1. 詩67:1-3:願神憐憫我們,賜福與我們,用臉光照我們;好叫世界得知你的道路,萬國得知你的救恩。神啊,願列邦稱讚你,願萬民都稱讚你。2. 羅11:36:因為萬有都是本於他,倚靠他,歸於他。願榮耀歸給他,直到永遠。阿們!  我們在主禱文第二條求什麼?答:主禱文第二條說:“願你的國降臨。”我們在此求神叫撒但的國衰敗,叫他恩典的國興旺,使自己和眾人得以進入而常久在內,並求他榮耀的國早日降臨。略解:“國”意思就是一群受君王統治的人。這裡提到三個國:撒但的國或順服撒但的人,恩典的國或順服神的人,與榮耀的國或將在榮耀裡與基督一同作王的人。我們在此懇求中,求神叫第一國衰敗,第二國興旺,與第三國早日降臨。1. 詩68:1:願神興起,使他的仇敵四散;叫那恨他的人,從他面前逃跑。2. 詩51:18:求你隨你的美意善待錫安,建造耶路撒冷的城牆。3. 帖後3:1:弟兄們,請你們為我們禱告,好叫主的道理快快行開,得著榮耀,正如在你們中間一樣。羅10:1:弟兄們,我心裡所願的,向神所求的,是要以色列人得救。4. 啟示22:20:證明這事的說:“是了,我必快來。”阿們。主耶穌啊,我願你來!  我們在主禱文第三條求什麼?答:主禱文第三條說:“願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。”我們在此求神賜恩,叫我們能凡事甘心樂意的學習,遵從、順服他的旨意,如同在天上的天使一樣。略解:“神的旨意”意思就是神希望作的事。這個旨意在天上行得十分完全,我們在此懇求中,求在地上也能行得一樣完全。但是只靠我們自己的力量,這是作不來的,因此我們求神幫助我們完全知道他的旨意如何,而且既知道,還能身體力行。1. 詩119:34-36:求你賜我悟性,我便遵守你的律法,且要一心遵守。求你叫我遵行你的命令,因為這是我所喜樂的。求你使我的心,趨向你的法度,不趨向非義之財。2. 徒21:14:既不聽勸,我們便住了口,只說:“願主的旨意成就便了。”3. 詩103:20:聽從他命令成全他旨意有大能的天使,都要稱頌耶和華。103:22:你們一切被他造的,在他所治理的各處,都要稱頌耶和華。我的心哪,你要稱頌耶和華。  我們在主禱文第四條求什麼?答:主禱文第四條說:“我們日用的飲食,今日賜給我們。”我們在此求神開恩賜我們今生所需要的夠用而美善的東西,並使我們同時得享他的福樂。略解:現在看的這一懇求,是關於我們自己的--禱告的順序先是神,然後才是我們自己。在此懇求中,我們求的是我們身體需要的供應,求兩件事:日常夠用與神的賜福。1. 箴30:8:求你使虛假和謊言遠離我;使我也不貧窮,也不富足,賜給我需用的飲食。2. 詩90:17:願主我們神的榮美,歸於我們身上。願你堅立我們手所作的工;我們手所作的工,願你堅立。  我們在主禱文第五條求什麼?答:主禱文第五條說:“免我們的債,如同我們免了人的債。”我們在此求神開恩,因基督的緣故白白饒恕我們一切的罪,我們所以敢這樣求,因為我們蒙了神的恩典,才能從心裡饒恕人。略解:在第五與第六懇求中,我們求的是我們屬靈需要的供應。首先要求我們的罪得饒恕,聖經應許我們,我們若饒恕他人,神也會饒恕我們。那麼,如果神使我們饒恕了一切得罪我們的人,我們就大可以相信,他聽了我們求饒恕的禱告。罪在此稱為債,因為一犯罪,我們就虧欠律法;律法不僅要求順服,也要求在不順服的時候施罰。1. 詩51:1:神啊,求你按你的慈愛憐恤我,按你豐盛的慈悲塗抹我的過犯。2. 太6:14:你們饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必饒恕你們的過犯。  我們在主禱文第六條求什麼?答:主禱文第六條說:“不叫我們遇見試探,救我們脫離兇惡。”我們在此求神保守我們不受試探而犯罪,或在受試探時扶助我們並拯救我們脫離兇惡。略解: 試探意思就是引誘我們犯罪。在此懇求中,我們求神不叫我們遇見一切試探,不然他就要使我們能抗拒與克服試探。1. 太26:41:總要儆醒禱告,免得入了迷惑。詩19:13:求你攔阻僕人,不犯任意妄為的罪,不容這罪轄制我。  2. 詩51:10:神啊!求你為我造清潔的心,使我裡面重新有正直的靈。51:12:求你使我仍得救恩之樂,賜我樂意的靈扶持我。  主禱文的結語教導我們什麼?答:主禱文的結語說:“因為國度、權柄、榮耀,全是你的,直到永遠,阿們。”這是教導我們惟獨神能應允我們的禱告,並且禱告的時候當稱讚他,將國度、權柄、榮耀都歸於他,末了為要證明所求的是誠心所願,又深信這是必蒙應允,就說:“阿們。”  略解: 語就是末後。主禱文的結語教導我們三件事:(1)唯獨應該仰望神的幫助;(2)應該將一切頌讚歸於唯獨能聽我們禱告的神;(3)禱告結束應該說“阿們”,意思就是,但願如此,或但願我的禱告蒙垂聽。1. 但9:18-19:我們在你面前懇求,原不是因自己的義,乃因你的大憐憫。求主垂聽,求主赦免,求主應允而行,為你自己不要遲延。我的神啊!  2. 代上29:11:耶和華啊!尊大、能力、榮耀、強勝、威嚴,都是你的;凡天上地下的,都是你的。  29:13:我們的神啊!現在我們稱謝你,讚美你榮耀之名。  3. 啟22:20:阿門!主耶穌啊,我願你來!

2012年1月18日 星期三


vegetable   λαχανικό   olus
fruit  φρούτο   fructum
Jesus Christ  Ο Ιησούς Χριστός  Iesus Christus
Christmas  Χριστούγεννα  Nobis
merry Christmas  Καλά Χριστούγεννα  Nunc hilaris
Alleluia  αλληλούια  Alleluia
Messiah  Μεσσίας   Messias
Amen  αμήν  Amen
Allah  Αλλάχ  Allah
Shakyamuni  Σακυαμούνι  Shakyamuni
China  Κίνα  Sinae
Taiwan  Ταϊβάν
Mary  Μαρία  Maria
vegetarian  χορτοφάγος
guava  γκουάβα
banana  μπανάνα  urna
apple  μήλο  pomum
pineapple  ανανάς  quis
egg  αυγό  ovum
milk  γάλα  lactis
penis  πέος  mentula



1 Luxembourg 122,272
2 Qatar 97,967
3 Norway 96,591
4 Switzerland 84,983
5 Australia 66,984
6 United Arab Emirates 66,625
7 Denmark 63,003
8 Sweden 61,098
9 Netherlands 51,410
10 Canada 51,147
11 Singapore 50,714
12 Austria 50,504
13 Finland 50,090
14 Ireland 48,517
15 United States 48,147
16 Belgium 48,110
17 Kuwait 46,461
18 Japan 45,774
19 Germany 44,558
20 France 44,401
21 Iceland 43,226
22 United Kingdom 39,604
23 New Zealand 38,227
24 Italy 37,046
25 Brunei 36,521
European Union[7] 35,887
Hong Kong 34,393
26 Spain 33,298
27 Israel 32,298
28 Cyprus 31,435
29 Greece 27,875
30 Slovenia 25,939
31 Korea, South 23,749
32 Bahrain 23,410
33 Bahamas, The 23,175
34 Portugal 22,699
35 Malta 22,058
36 Oman 21,681
37 Taiwan 21,592
38 Czech Republic 20,938
39 Saudi Arabia 19,890
40 Slovakia 17,889
41 Estonia 16,880
42 Trinidad and Tobago 16,693
43 Antigua and Barbuda 16,284
44 Barbados 15,799
45 Hungary 14,808
46 Uruguay 14,672
47 Croatia 14,529
48 Equatorial Guinea[8] 14,374
49 Chile 13,970
50 Poland 13,967
51 Russia 13,236
52 Lithuania 13,190
53 Brazil 12,917
54 Saint Kitts and Nevis 12,687
55 Latvia 12,226
56 Seychelles 11,117
57 Gabon 10,982
58 Kazakhstan 10,951
59 Libya 10,873
60 Mexico 10,803
61 Argentina 10,640
62 Turkey 10,576
63 Lebanon 10,474
64 Venezuela 10,409
— World[9] 9,998
65 Botswana 8,844
66 Romania 8,666
67 Malaysia 8,617
68 Mauritius 8,520
69 Costa Rica 8,489
70 Panama 8,421
71 South Africa 8,342
72 Grenada 7,913
73 Saint Lucia 7,522
74 Azerbaijan 7,510
75 Suriname 7,281
76 Bulgaria 7,243
77 Colombia 6,980
78 Dominica 6,833
79 Montenegro 6,668
80 Maldives 6,499
81 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6,447
82 Serbia 6,268
83 Iran 6,260
84 Belarus 6,118
85 Namibia 6,087
86 Peru 5,614
87 Dominican Republic 5,406
88 Jamaica 5,376
89 Thailand 5,281
90 China 5,184
91 Angola 5,061
92 Macedonia, Republic of 5,012
93 Algeria 5,001
94 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,715
95 Tunisia 4,593
96 Jordan 4,542
97 Turkmenistan 4,362
98 Ecuador 4,352
99 Belize 4,349
100 Albania 4,131
101 El Salvador 3,831
102 Fiji 3,806
103 Congo, Republic of the 3,792
104 Cape Verde 3,737
105 Tonga 3,648
106 Ukraine 3,575
107 Indonesia 3,469
108 Paraguay 3,421
109 Swaziland 3,332
110 Iraq 3,306
111 Guyana 3,202
112 Morocco 3,162
113 Mongolia 3,131
114 Guatemala 3,117
115 Georgia 3,098
116 Vanuatu 3,081
117 Kosovo[10] 3,064
118 Syria 3,050
119 Samoa 3,049
120 Armenia 3,048
121 Tuvalu[10] 2,960
122 Egypt 2,922
123 Sri Lanka 2,864
124 Bhutan 2,299
125 Philippines 2,255
126 Bolivia 2,246
127 Honduras 2,105
128 Moldova 2,021
129 Sudan + South Sudan 1,939
130 Kiribati 1,832
131 Papua New Guinea 1,712
132 Ghana 1,588
133 Nigeria 1,541
134 Uzbekistan 1,529
135 India 1,527
136 Djibouti 1,500
137 Yemen 1,460
138 Solomon Islands 1,457
139 Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé and Príncipe 1,382
140 Vietnam 1,362
141 Zambia 1,355
142 Cameroon 1,234
143 Mauritania 1,227
144 Laos 1,204
145 Nicaragua 1,202
146 Pakistan 1,164
147 Senegal 1,096
148 Cote d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 1,049
149 Lesotho 1,040
150 Kyrgyzstan 970
151 Chad 920
152 Cambodia 912
153 Kenya 882
154 Tajikistan 862
155 Comoros 853
156 Burma 804
157 Mali 796
158 Benin 756
159 Haiti 739
160 Zimbabwe 735
161 Bangladesh 690
162 Burkina Faso 670
163 Timor-Leste 649
164 Nepal 644
165 Gambia, The 620
166 Guinea-Bissau 585
167 Rwanda 585
168 Afghanistan 575
169 Mozambique 551
170 Tanzania 550
171 Togo 511
172 Central African Republic 483
173 Eritrea 473
174 Uganda 453
175 Guinea 438
176 Madagascar 428
177 Niger 428
178 Ethiopia 351
179 Malawi 350
180 Sierra Leone 347
181 Liberia 258
182 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 211
183 Burundi 197

2012年1月8日 星期日



Sufism and Vegetarianism

Sufism and Vegetarianism
Although the majority of Muslims are meat eaters, there is also widespread remembrance of Muhammad's warning, "Do not allow your stomachs to become graveyards!" For this reason, meat is used in moderation in many traditional recipes. Many Sufi tariqats prohibit meat-eating during retreats. The Qadiri shaikh Abdul Karim Jili, commenting on Ibn Arabi's advice to avoid animal fat during retreats, stated that "animal fat strengthens animality, and its principles will dominate the spiritual principles."
Detail from Ascent of the Prophet to Heaven, Persian, 1550. Click for complete painting.
The 15th Century poet Kabir, whose Sufism represented a fusion of principles from both the Islamic and Hindu traditions, unequivocally condemned meat eating, characterizing it as the ultimate failure of compassion, deserving of eternal punishment; he stated that even the companionship of meat-eaters was harmful to the soul. In a gentler tone, the 20th century Sri Lankan Qadiri teacher Bawa Muhaiyaddeen also encouraged vegetarianism, stating that arrogance, haste and anger may decrease by elimination of meat from the diet. He taught that consumption of meat promotes the development of animalistic qualities, whereas consumption of plant and dairy products promotes peaceful qualities; and noted that Islamic rules pertaining to animal slaughter have the effect, if properly observed, of reducing the number of animals killed for food. Bawa put these principles into daily action, preparing many impromptu meals for his community and guests, typically in 15-gallon quantities.
Detail from Mughal painting, 16th century. Click for complete painting. The Chishti Inayat Khan, who introduced Sufi principles to Europe and America in the early part of this century, expressed similar concerns. He observed that vegetarianism promotes compassion and harmlessness to living creatures, and that a vegetarian diet aids in the purification of the body, the opening of the channels of breath and refinement of spiritual faculties. He also taught that meat can be a medicine, and can help some people to withstand the struggle of life in the material world. Therefore, each spiritual seeker should be guided by a teacher in the choice of diet, a decision also inevitably influenced by the regional climate and food supply.

2012年1月4日 星期三

アラビア語 発音

1.1. 子音体系の概略